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Laser Hair Removal Cost in Gurgaon

Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Gurgaon
Dr Bk Garg: 02 September 2020

Most people prefer shaving, tweezing and waxing as some of the best solutions to get rid of the unwanted body hair. We can go ahead and discuss the pros and cons of all kinds of ways. But generally speaking, ways of hair removal can be quite messy, painful and time-consuming. Some ways can even leave

  • Ingrown hair
  • Rash
  • Bleeding
  • High sensitivity towards light
  • Other Skin Problems

If you are someone who is looking for long-lasting solutions to get rid of your hair then laser hair reduction is the way to go. It is now known to be one of the most commonly used methods used by people to get rid of their body hair. If you are someone who is looking forward to getting rid of your body hair permanently, then this is the way to go. It is a long term solution to get rid of the unwanted body hair. This way you will no longer have to worry about going for a last-minute shave or wax while getting ready for an event.

What is Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Laser Hair Removal Treatment can be looked at as a medical procedure that removes unwanted hair from the body using a concentrated beam of light. The laser light works by getting absorbed in the melanin of the hair which ends up damaging the hair follicles of the hair. The light energy works by getting converted into heat and ends up burning the roots of the hair. The damage caused to the hair follicle results in delayed growth in the hair.

The Laser Hair removal works the best in delaying the hair growth of a person and does not necessarily result in permanent hair removal on the body of a person. There are multiple hair removal treatments needed for getting the hair removed which is then followed by other sittings that are also referred to as maintenance treatment. Laser Hair removal works the best for people who have light skin with the combination of dark hair. However, there are now technologies that have elevated the quality of laser hair removal even for dark-skinned people. Some clinics have the best laser hair removal treatment in Gurgaon and people can get their hands on the services by swinging in.

Laser treatment can be performed only once people have the best knowledge and training regarding the medical procedure that needs to be performed. The laser hair removal in Gurgaon has people with the best expertise and certification who have experience in the field for years. The customers no longer have to worry about regrown hair or ingrown hair as the experts are supervised by the best of doctors with extensive experience in clinical and cosmetic dermatology.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost in Gurgaon?

The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon varies from Rs. 2000 and can go upto 4,000. The price of the session is different for different sessions based on the area of the body that needs to be treated. The laser treatment can differ for different areas of a human body such as a bikini, face, legs, arms, etc. The area of the body treated is directly proportional to the cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon. Some laser processes require multiple sessions of treatment before results start to show. In such cases, people usually go for multiple sittings and can be looked at as another factor that affects the cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon.

Laser hair removal in Gurgaon is the hottest service that people opt for and helps people in obtaining smooth and hair-free skin. The results from the session can be seen post few sessions. Here is the average cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon and is good enough to give you an idea about how much you should be looking forward to investing in lasering.

Average Laser Hair Removal Cost by Treatment Area (per Session)

Face: The whole face laser hair removal in Gurgaon includes the full face of the person including both sides of the neck. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can differ from one person to another and can cost ranging from Rs. 12,000 to Rs 18,000.

Under Arms: The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon for underarm is way less as it is a small area that needs to be treated. It requires a couple of sessions after which the hair can be permanently reduced in the area. The cost of treatment varies from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 11,000.

Bikini Line Area: The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon for Bikini area can vary from Rs. 9,000 and can go upto Rs 11,000. This session includes getting rid of the area that lies outside the bikini and can end up making a person feel confident during holidays.

Legs: This package includes the cost of getting the hair lasered from the lower or upper legs including the hips. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can vary from Rs,10,000 and can go upto Rs 15,000. If you are someone who has harsh hair on the legs, the cost supposedly goes up.

Upper Body Hair Removal Cost: The treatment of the session varies from Rs. 18,000 to Rs 20,000 and the package includes chest, upper back, abdomen, forearms, shoulders and lower back.

Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost: The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon for the full-body comes with a huge discount. One session of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can start from Rs. 32,000 and can go upto Rs. 48,000.

Laser Hair Removal Packages (Cost per Session) in Gurgaon

If you look at the average cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon, the package starts from Rs. 15,000 and can go upto Rs. 48,000. There is no static rate when it comes to laser hair removal in Gurgaon. The cost varies from one patient to another and largely depends on the surface area of a person that we are dealing with. Before getting to know the laser package of a person, experts often examine the skin type of the person along with the type of hair that grows on the skin. After analysing all the factors that can affect the Laser treatment cost, they move further by giving you the actual cost of the entire laser package that you are opting for. Everybody's area is different and that is why it has a different price line.

Laser Hair Removal Packages for Women

Every woman needs a mantra to achieve skin that is silky and hairless. The entire process of getting rid of the body hair is tiresome and can get exhausting after a monthly session of hair removal at the salon. Say goodbye to waxing and razoring and have your way open for lasering. Lasering is a way for women to feel self-confident about their body. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can differ from one woman to another.

Average Cost by Treatment Area (per Session) for Women

The average cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can differ in different areas of treatment. Here is a tabular representation of how much this treatment costs a person:

TreatmentArea Range of price
FaceRs. 12,000 - Rs. 20,000
ChinRs. Rs. 6000 - Rs. 8,000
Upper LipsRs.6,000 - Rs. 11,000
UnderArmsRs. 7000 - Rs. 11,000
Regular BikiniRs. 9000 - Rs. 11,000
Half ArmsRs. 9000 - Rs. 10,000
Half LegsRs. 9000 - Rs. 10,000
Back sideRs. 12,000 - Rs. 20,000
AbdomenRs. 8000 - Rs. 12,000
ChestRs. 4000 - Rs. 6,000
Full BodyRs. 32,000 - Rs. 48,000

This chart should give you an idea of the cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon and can have many factors that can make the price vary.

Laser Hair Removal Packages for Men

Laser Hair Removal Package is not just for women and is also something that men opt for. Some men get rid of their body hair especially if they are in a profession of bodybuilding, swimming, bike racing, bike racing etc. Many men in such professions choose to get rid of their body hair and that is what lures them to get laser hair removal procedure done. Not only does it make their life hassle-free but also saves a lot of their time.

Average Cost by Treatment Area (per Session) for Men

The average cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon for men comes with a different chart. We all know that men have dark-coloured hair and may require more sessions. Here is a list of a price range concerning the area that needs to be treated.

TreatmentArea Range of price
UnderArmsRs. 7000 - Rs. 11,000
Full ArmsRs. 10,000 - Rs. 13,000
Half ArmsRs. 8,000 - Rs. 9,000
AbdomenRs. 7000 - Rs. 8,000
Regular BikiniRs. 4000 - Rs. 6000
BackRs. 8000 - Rs. 9000
ChestRs. 5000 - Rs. 8,000

The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon may be different in comparison to other cities in India. Here is a list of price ranges of the Laser Hair Removal concerning the different parts of India.

Laser Hair Removal Cost Packages in Indian Rupees (Rs.)

CityAveragePrice Range
MumbaiRs. 15,000Rs. 4000 - Rs. 30,000
NCRRs. 10,000Rs. 2000 - Rs. 20,000
HyderabadRs. 9,000Rs. 16000 - Rs. 20,000
KolkataRs. 13,000Rs. 3000 - Rs. 26,000
VisakhapatnamRs. 9,000Rs. 1500 - Rs. 18,000
PuneRs. 13,000Rs. 3000 - Rs. 25,000
KochiRs. 8,000Rs. 1500 - Rs. 15,000
BangaloreRs. 11,000Rs. 3000 - Rs. 23,000

What Are The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair removal is one of the most common ways to get rid of unwanted human hair. This process can be looked at as a semi-permanent solution to get rid of the hair on the human body. The process includes damaging the hair follicle which in turn helps in the reduction of human hair. The laser session can be performed at any place of the body and the results keep on increasing as the person goes for different laser sessions.

Here are some of the benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

  1. Less costly if you compare it with life long time of waxing (long term): Paying regularly for waxing is expensive if you compare it with one time Laser Hair Removal package. It is a good long term investment and requires a person to go through a couple of sessions until a person feels permanent hair removal from their body. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon is much less if you compare it with the overall cost of waxing that a person ends up spending.
  2. Gets Silky smooth skin as a result: Laser Hair Removal Treatment leaves the skin of a person soft and silky. The entire skin starts to glow up and it ends up improving the skin tone of a person altogether.
  3. Pain-Free: The laser hair removal process is a painless procedure if you compare it with all the other processes of hair removal. Waxing and razoring, on the other hand, can be termed as extremely painful and ends up making the area much more sensitive.
  4. Time-Saving: If you compare the time taken in all the laser sessions with the energy and time a person starts investing in waxing regularly. Then it is safe to say that getting lasers done will no longer have your schedules around your salon sessions anymore. The procedure of hair lasering done on a body saves you a lot of time.
  5. Long-Lasting Results: People who have abnormal hair growth on the body opt for layering as an option to get rid of their body hair. The results of a hairless body through lasering in such cases are long-lasting.
  6. Zero Side Effects: The side effects caused by lasering is zero and is nothing in comparison to the side effects that a person might get from waxing and other rare negative side effects.
  7. Boosts the confidence of a person: Lasering can make a person feel confident. You no longer have to worry about wearing sleeveless tops anymore. You no longer have to choose to wear a pair of jeans instead of the skirt or dress that you were planning to wear.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Gurgaon

The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon can have different factors that alter the cost. The factors that make a difference in Laser Hair removal are listed below. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon keeps all these mentioned factors in mind before coming up with an overall Hair removal laser package.

  1. Area of the body that needs to be lasered: The size of the area to be lasered plays an important role in determining the cost of the treatment. Laser Hair Removal Treatment can be done on any part of the body and bigger the size of the area, more is the cost of the treatment. Getting lasers on a smaller area costs much less in comparison to getting the larger area lasered.
  2. Different Laser Sessions: An ideal Laser Hair Removal Treatment requires 6 to 8 number of sessions. More sessions if required is charged extra from the package. The price of the package directly on the session required per treatment. That number of sessions that a person requires can vary from one person to another.
  3. Colour of your Skin and Hair: The shade of skin and hair plays a vital role in determining the cost required for the laser treatment. Dark Hair on Light skin is best suited for the treatment of Hair removal through lasers. Dark hair usually requires less session but comes with a greater expense.
  4. Laser Equipment used for the treatment: The type of equipment used by professionals can vary the cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon. Analysing the hair and skin of a person is soon followed by choosing the right kind of technology that will suit the person the best. The cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon has a lot to do with the equipment being used for the treatment.
  5. Treatment based on the Skin tone: Treating a dark-skinned area requires a few extra laser sessions. This can bring up the cost of laser hair removal in Gurgaon.
  6. More sessions for men: The overall session required for men is more than what a woman requires. Men have thicker hair in comparison to women and that is what makes men get more hair removal sessions done.

How is a Laser Hair Removal Procedure Performed?

The Laser Hair removal process is performed by getting the hair follicles of a person heated, which ends up burning the roots of the hair. This halts the new growth of the hair follicles and can elongate the hair growing process on the body of both men and women. The laser can be termed as a beam of highly focused light that is absorbed by the unwanted hair of a person. This makes a person feel a little uncomfortable but the discomfort does not last. A person ideally requires 3-4 laser sessions before they can see a significant reduction in the hair growth of a person. The skin after getting the sessions done ends up looking smoother and silkier if you compare it with other ways of getting the hair removed. Laser Hair removal is one of the most common procedures carried out worldwide for getting the unwanted hair removed from the body.

How to Prepare For Laser Hair Removal?

A person who is about to get their hair removed through lasers is usually given pre-treatment instructions that need to be followed. Here are some of the common questions that a dermatologist may ask you. They are listed as under:

  1. Stay away from the sun, wear a lot of sunscreens
  2. Do not wax or pluck your hair
  3. Do not bleach your hair
  4. Avoid taking medicines that can increase the blood circulation in the body
  5. Hydrate yourself
  6. Do not go for treatment if you have any kind of skin infection.
  7. This treatment is not recommended if you are pregnant.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal?

The laser procedure to get rid of unwanted hair is carried out by producing a beam of light that is absorbed by the dark hair. The light energy changes into heat and results in the loss of hair follicle. Multiple sessions of laser hair removal are suggested for getting the hair removed from the body and to get results in action. The treatment is initiated by applying a topical gel that cools the surface of the body of a person. The Laser Hair Removal Process is not time-consuming and takes an average of 30 minutes. In some cases, the time frame may extend depending on the area of a person that is being treated.

What are the Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal?

Here are some of the common side effects of Laser Hair Removal Treatments. These side effects may be rare in nature but may occur in some cases. They are listed below:

  1. Change in the colour of the skin (Pigmentation): A lighter skin may notice some dark spots spread throughout the skin. Similarly, a dark-skinned person can have light skin around the area that is being lasered.
  2. Increased Hair Growth: In some cases, the hair growth of a person may increase. This can be due to opting the wrong procedure to get skin done or due to the unwanted hair shedding which results as a side effect of Hair Laser Procedure.
  3. Irritation and Redness in the skin: Irritation and skin redness is a common side effect that people may face. This may happen to the body parts that are sensitive and can be felt as soon as a person is done with the session. The irritation and redness can, however, be seen subsided in due course of time. There are ways to look into the side effects by using ice on the area and can show immediate results in a time frame of an hour.
  4. Scarring of the skin: A tanned skin is vulnerable and can have a side effect of changing the texture of a person resulting in scarring.

Is it safe and overview

Laser Hair Removal can be looked at as a safe and effective way opted by people to get rid of their unwanted hair. This procedure requires a person to sit for multiple sittings after which the results can be seen. The permanent hair removal is not guaranteed but a person will end up having less hair growth in due course of time.

There are cases where people face some minor side effects because of this process. But none of it is permanent and usually subsides in due course of time.

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